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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vegan Bitch, Day 32

So I'm over my vegan melt down. I strongly considered throwing in the veggie towel at the 30 day mark but I am so glad that I didn't. Not only is my desire to eat meat slim to none, my tireless research on my new lifestyle and it's abundant positive effects on the environment have encouraged me to press on. In the beginning it was new and exciting. Now that my veggie honeymoon is over and the reality of everyday veggie life is setting in, I am realizing that I still have a lot to learn. I found a great cook book designed for busy vegan "student's". Though my mommy is not supporting my expensive red quinoa addiction, nor footing the bill for my bulk raw almonds, I consider myself a vegan student. The book is great. It's full of quick, simple, inexpensive recipes for the vegan on the go! Tonight I am making buckwheat soba noodles with broccoli and spicy peanut sauce... for a boy :)      

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